AWE USA 2024

It's Miller Time with BigFoot: AR Innovation with AI

Jun 18

04:30 PM - 04:55 PM
Room 102B
Retail & Marketing


Join us for a fireside chat exploring "It's Miller Time with BigFoot," an innovative augmented reality (AR) experience tailored for the Pacific Northwest, developed by Molson Coors in collaboration with Trigger XR. This session will delve into how advanced, controllable AI merges digital technology with regional folklore, setting new standards in mixed reality marketing.

Featuring Jessica Owens, the Pacific Region Field Marketing Director at Molson Coors, and moderated by Jason Yim, CEO of Trigger XR, the discussion will focus on the strategic use of AI technology to facilitate engaging interactions with a 3D animated Bigfoot, activated by scanning a Miller Lite product. The panelists will discuss the targeted approach that leverages the cultural regional legend of Bigfoot, enhancing consumer engagement and pushing the boundaries of digital marketing in the beverage industry. The chat will also cover how these marketing strategies effectively connect with consumers, demonstrating the potential of AR and AI to craft compelling brand narratives and deepen user engagement. Additionally, the implementation of controlled AI was carefully vetted by Molson Coors to ensure legal compliance and maintain brand integrity.

Session Speakers