AWE USA 2024

Digital Trinity: AI, Metaverse, Web3

Jun 18

11:10 AM - 11:40 AM
Exhibit Hall
Expo Stage


AI, Metaverse, and Web3 are the three core driving forces of the new digital era, also known as Digital Trinity, because they exhibit a trend of synergistic development:

  • AI promotes content production for Metaverse and makes Metaverse a necessity from the perspective of labor replacement;
  • Metaverse provides a multimodal training environment with the lowest cost and risk, the highest efficiency and diversity for the research and development of AI;
  • AI enhances the productivity of individual humans, driving the transformation of production relations towards decentralization, thus promoting the development of the Web3 ecosystem;
  • Trusted and precise incentive mechanisms based on Web3 are key to building a global, open-source, and transparent AI infrastructure to compete with the technical barriers of superpowers and giant companies;
  • Metaverse drives the shift from the physical economy to the digital economy, and the massive amount of native digital assets will increase the demand for Web3 transaction mechanisms;
  • Trusted and reliable digital asset protection based on Web3 is also one of the keys to developing the metaverse digital economy.

We refer to AI, Metaverse, and Web3 as Digital Trinity because their synergy will bring about the fission of application ecosystems, the disruption of old paradigms in various industries, and the guidance towards a new form of human civilization.

Session Speakers