AWE USA 2024

Yu Yuan
MASA (Metaverse Acceleration and Sustainability Association)

Dr. Yu Yuan is a visionary scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and investor, specializing in Multimedia, Virtual Reality, Metaverse, and Digital Transformation. As a dedicated volunteer in multiple professional organizations, he has held numerous leadership roles, including but not limited to: Founder and Acting President of the Metaverse Acceleration and Sustainability Association (MASA); Treasurer and Board Director of the Metaverse Standards Forum (MSF); President of the IEEE Standards Association; Board Member of the IEEE Board of Directors; Board Member of the IEEE Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc) Board of Governors; Founding Chair of the IEEE Metaverse Standards Committee (CTS/MSC); Chair of the IEEE VR/AR Advisory Board; Secretary of the IEEE Association for Digital Transformation; Chair of the IEEE Persistent Computing for Metaverse Initiative; Honorary President of the Japan International Metaverse Association; and Executive Vice Chair of the China Institute of Communications (CIC) Blockchain Committee. He earned his Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. in Computer Science from Tsinghua University.