AWE USA 2024

Fox Bonilla
CEO and Co-Founder
Harbinger Creative

Dennis “Fox” Bonilla is a results focused leader in technology development with a proven track record of innovation and expertise in strategy, technology development, spatial computing and data visualization. Over 25 years, Fox has developed cutting edge virtual reality educational platforms, space mission planning software for NASA, decision support systems for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and has served in roles supporting committees advising U.S. President Barack Obama about options for future human space flight. Among other media outlets, Mr. Bonilla's award-winning work has been featured on,, and the Wall Street Journal.

In addition to his CEO duties at Harbinger Creative, Mr. Bonilla serves as adjunct faculty instructing students in the development of interactive immersive technologies in the School of Arts, Media, and Engineering at Arizona State University. Fox also provides insight and guidance regarding XR, AI, and spatial computing industry best practices as the co-chair of the Privacy and Safety Working Group at XRSI. Mr. Bonilla holds several patents in the fields of machine learning, augmented reality and virtual reality.