AWE USA 2024

Chris Brickler
CEO and co-founder
Mynd Immersive

Chris Brickler is CEO and Co-Founder of Mynd Immersive, a national health and wellness company providing Virtual Reality solutions to the dramatically growing senior market (through long-term care communities, veterans’ homes, home healthcare providers, and directly to seniors “aging in place”). The company has curated a vast library of VR content and creates original programming designed for both recreational and therapeutic effects. In addition, Mynd Immersive is working with leading US universities and researchers to study the potential health benefits of VR for our dynamic and aging population.

From Texas to London to LA to Silicon Valley, Chris has managed large business units at Verizon, British Telecom, and GuideSpark and has served on the boards of a NASDAQ company and several non-profits. His production group in Los Angeles,, created an artistic, multi-platform video program around love and relationships that was nominated for an Emmy.