AWE USA 2024

Major Bunton
Director of Programs
Creative Acts

Major Bunton is Director of Programs and a lead Teaching artist for Creative Acts. As alumni of the work during the 29 years he spent incarcerated, he also founded and leads the Creative Acts Alumni Laboratory and co-develops all curricula.

Major is also the Vice President of Inglewood wrapping arms around the community As Founder, Major grew up in Inglewood and developed a passion for helping others in his community. IWATC provides food, reentry housing, assisting resources and counseling to Inglewood and the surrounding communities Major has developed his expertise through participation in programs such as Breaking Barriers, Alcohol and Drug Abuse (AA and NA), Domestic Violence, Anger and Stress Management, YAAP (Youth Awareness Adult Program), YOP (Youth Offender Program), CBT (Cognitive Behavior Treatment).

Major has also been a long-time Teaching Artist for The Actors’ Gang Prison Project.

To round out his impressive skill set, Major is an in demand fitness coach and enjoys working to help others achieve their own peak fitness.