AWE USA 2024

Laura Kusumoto

Laura Kusumoto is a proven executive leader, skilled in the disciplines of technology adoption. Her expertise is “practical innovation” - identifying the business value that emerging and disruptive technologies enable, and putting them to work. Her passion is helping organizations identify the optimal problems to target with innovative tech solutions, and driving towards their successful piloting and implementation. Her work has paved the way for first-mover products such as AI chatbots in health care, VR for employee well-being, and immersive avatar-based training in VR and 3D web for diverse staff groups, from soldiers to nurses to call centers, and beyond.

Laura formed IterationZero LLC to provide independent consulting and innovation services that draw upon time-tested methods from her experience with Meta, Deloitte, Disney, Kaiser Permanente, LEGO and various startups. Laura currently serves on the Board Executive Committee for the Virtual Worlds Society, and on the Advisory Board for XR Women.

11:20 AM - 11:35 AM
Room 103B
Healthcare & Wellness