AWE USA 2024

Mary Lin
Senior Manager

Dr. Mary Lin is the Senior Manager for Knowledge Acquisition and Performance Studies (KAPS) at the Oak Ridge Enhanced Technology and Training Center (ORETTC). She has a B.S. in Mathematics, a master’s degree in Instructional Technology, and doctorate in Learning and Leadership in Organizations. Her experience in programming coupled with her doctorate in education provides the necessary expertise for developing XR capabilities in scenario-based training. She and the KAPS team support curriculum development within the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Department of Energy, State Department, DTRA, DOD, IAEA, and other radiological and nuclear organizations in designing training for nonproliferation efforts and responding to nuclear or radiological events. Leading these efforts requires skill in both domestic and international diplomacy, the ability to collaborate across a spectrum of subject matter experts, and the innovation to stay up-to-date with the future training technologies.

04:20 PM - 04:50 PM
Room 103C
Collaboration, Training & Education