AWE USA 2024

Kat Moynahan
Senior Design Strategist

Kat Moynahan’s sweet spot is discovering and defining the customer experience for new technologies. With over twenty years of design experience over multiple mediums, Kat believes that collaboration with diverse folks is the key to project success, as the sum of talent and knowledge builds inclusive, informed experiences. She actively builds design cultures that foster an environment of experimentation, learning, camaraderie and mastery of craft. Currently with the Microsoft Mesh team, Kat focuses on end user experiences that build connection in virtual worlds. She also co-chairs the Privacy, Security and Identity Exploratory Working Group in the Metaverse Standards Forum, aiming to create industry standards that foster a safe and inclusive metaverse.

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Promenade Room 104A
XR Enablement