AWE USA 2024

David Nedohin
President and Co-Founder
Scope AR

David Nedohin, co-founder and Chief Customer Officer of Scope AR, brings more than 20 years of experience in business development and supporting customers at all stages of the customer journey to drive the company’s vision to revolutionize the world of industrial training, maintenance, manufacturing and field support with AR technology.

In this role, David manages key relationships with industry partners and works with some of the world’s leading global companies including, Lockheed Martin, Johnson & Johnson, and Tokyo Electron, among others. He also is an industry thought-leader, often presenting on some of the most practical use cases and AR success stories across industries at leading industry events.

Residing in Edmonton, Canada, David is also a 3x world curling champion, former national team member in waterskiing, and Canadian Order of Sport Recipient.