AWE USA 2024

Anna Nilsson
Head of Design and Research

Anna Nilsson is Head of Design and Research at Varjo. Anna leads a multicultural team of industrial designers, UX designers, and researchers that create the immersive hardware and software for Varjo’s industry-leading mixed reality experiences. With 20 years in the tech industry, she has an extensive background in user-centered design and research across a range of consumer products and professional services. At Varjo, she has led the design of multiple generations of virtual and mixed devices and accompanying software that today serve over 25% of Fortune100 companies. Before Varjo, Anna worked on new technology design at Nokia and Microsoft, including projects in mobile operating systems, voice recognition, biometric authentication, and gesture-based interactions. Anna specializes in using research data and end-user understanding to inform product planning and R&D decision making. Anna holds a M. Sc. (Tech) degree in Computer Science from the Helsinki University of Technology (nowadays known as Aalto University).