AWE USA 2024

Vijay Ravindran

Vijay Ravindran, as the CEO of Floreo, amalgamates his extensive expertise from pivotal roles at Amazon and The Washington Post to spearhead innovation in immersive technology for autism therapy. His tenure as the Chief Digital Officer at The Washington Post saw groundbreaking advancements in digital media and content delivery, revolutionizing how news is consumed in the digital age. Ravindran's leadership, honed through his experiences at Amazon including leading the launch of Amazon Prime, underscores Floreo's mission to leverage virtual reality (VR) for transformative autism therapy. With a deep-rooted commitment to harnessing technology for societal benefit, his strategic vision intertwines lessons from the forefronts of tech and media, propelling Floreo as a pioneering force in utilizing VR to enhance the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum.