AWE USA 2024

Adam Rose
Starling Lab for Data Integrity

Adam Rose is COO of the Starling Lab for Data Integrity, an academic research center co-founded by Stanford and USC. The Lab helps establish trust in digital records, with a focus on the fields of journalism, law and history. They leverage technologies like cryptography and decentralized systems to confront modern challenges, from image manipulation to the disappearance of evidence from social media. The Lab frequently collaborates with newsrooms on investigations. Last year their projects won several journalism industry awards for innovation and received a News Emmy nomination. They've recently been exploring ways to establish authenticity in 3D experiences using verifiable scene capture for photogrammetry and NeRFs.

Adam previously spent over 20 years working for local, national, and international media organizations. He serves on the board of the Los Angeles Press Club and chairs its press rights committee, where he successfully lobbied for a new law in California that protects journalists from arrest while covering protests.