AWE USA 2024

Darya Sesitskaya
CEO & Co-Founder

Darya Sesitskaya is the Co-founder and CEO of Shader, the first real-time camera AI app with text-to-AR effects. Shader simplifies the creation of AR filters for content creators and video streamers using generative AI. The technical team consists of AR & AI engineers from Snap, Instagram, and Blizzard. Prior to this, Darya was on the founding team of WANNABY (acquired by Farfetch), which created some of the first ML-powered AR fashion lenses, technology that is still at the core of Snap’s try-on lenses. She diversified WANNABY's extensive range of client-centered services and secured long-term strategic partnerships with Apple, Gucci, Product Hunt, Adidas, and Snapchat, among others. After that, she joined Snap as a design lead for its AR creator tool, Lens Studio.

10:50 AM - 11:15 AM
Room 103B