AWE USA 2024

Aldis Sipolins, Phd
Senior Manager, Advanced Research & Development

Dr. Aldis Sipolins is Adeia's Senior Manager, Advanced Research & Development. He’s a virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) researcher who applies principles of design and psychology to influence human behavior. Aldis earned a Ph.D. in Visual Cognition and Human Performance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign studying brain imaging and stimulation. During that time, he founded a startup in San Francisco developing VR brain training games. He later joined IBM Research as Head of Virtual Reality and Game Design, where he worked on combining VR/AR, sensor data and machine learning techniques to enhance learning. After IBM Research, Aldi led VR/AR research and development at Draper Laboratories, a not-for-profit R&D firm. With over 10 years of experience conducting VR/AR research, Dr. Sipolins has identified brain imaging markers of memory encoding in VR, used eye tracking in VR to track attention and cognitive load and even designed and tested AR interfaces for SOCOM Special Forces. His work at Adeia focuses on VR, AR and gaming.

01:00 PM - 01:25 PM
Room 101B
Gaming, Entertainment & Media