AWE USA 2024

PANEL: Futurize: Crafting Tomorrow's Games and Products

Jun 20

01:45 PM - 02:30 PM
Room 101B
Gaming, Entertainment & Media


Create products that are innovative and adaptable for the future by learning how to predict and integrate emerging technological trends into your game and product development.  

Join this expert panel as they discuss practical strategies for designing games that are not only relevant today, but will resonate in the future tech landscape. 

Topics of discussion:

  • Methods and tools for forecasting future technological trends.
  • Practical strategies for embedding these insights into current game and product design.
  • Approaches to ensure games and products remain adaptable and relevant in the face of technological shifts.

Benefits for Participants:

  • Actionable insights and strategies for designing games and products with a future-focused perspective.
  • Understanding how to incorporate future tech trends into current development processes.
  • Opportunities for knowledge exchange with industry experts and peers.
  • Enhanced skills in creating products that are innovative and adaptable for the future.

Session Speakers