AWE USA 2024

David Oh
Executive Advisor
Venture Reality Fund/XR Bootcamp

With over a decade experience in building and scaling developer software platforms for XR (MR/AR/VR/AI) applications, I am a passionate and knowledgeable advisor at XR Bootcamp, the leading global online community in XR development. I help companies create a robust, active, and loyal developer ecosystem by offering comprehensive XR training, QA, product audits, engineering support, and market research.

I'm a developer relations expert. My core competencies include go-to-market strategies for developer ecosystems, and delivering engaging and hands-on learning experiences. I have a background in AAA game development, and I have worked with some of the most acclaimed tech companies in the world, such as Meta, Samsung, Ubisoft, Dapper Labs. I am also a founder of Dopamine, a company that aims to up-level XR gaming and digital ownership. My mission is to empower developers to create immersive and innovative XR experiences that are ready for the real world.