AWE USA 2024

Exploring the Intersection of Generative AI and XR Prototyping

Jun 20

02:00 PM - 02:25 PM
Room 102A
AI & Virtual Beings


Join us as we share the practical insights gained from our experiments in applying Generative Artificial Intelligence to XR Prototyping. In this talk, we'll walk you through our hands-on experiences and findings of our exploration of the potential of AI in various aspects of XR development, including design, 2D art, 3D model creation, animations, audio, and code generation. Through our journey, we'll highlight both the opportunities and challenges encountered, offering a realistic perspective on the integration of generative AI into XR prototyping workflows. And yes, in the spirit of full disclosure, we admit: even this abstract was crafted with the help of an AI companion! So, whether you're a developer, designer, or simply curious about the future of XR, this session aims to provide actionable takeaways and spark discussions on the practical applications of Generative AI.

Session Speakers