AWE USA 2024

Dona Fraser
Senior V.P., Privacy Initiatives
BBB National Programs

Dona J. Fraser is a leading privacy expert with a passion for building creative solutions to business problems. As the Senior Vice President, Privacy Initiatives for BBB National Programs, Ms. Fraser oversees the strategic development, implementation, and ongoing efforts of the organization’s privacy programs, activities, and services. Ms. Fraser provides a deep understanding of the complexities of privacy issues and the marketplace challenges facing advertisers and brings extensive experience in the self-regulation space with a track record of helping companies do the right thing.

Since joining BBB National Programs in 2017, Ms. Fraser has been instrumental in driving progress forward in a variety of organizational programs and initiatives, including leading the organization’s first ever PrivacyCollective Roundtable, an event that brought together privacy experts to discuss current privacy issues facing the marketplace and craft solutions. She has also overhauled and expanded services provided by BBB National Programs’ Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU), growing membership and nearly doubling participant numbers for the CARU COPPA Safe Harbor program— the first FTC-approved Safe Harbor program.

Before joining BBB National Programs, Ms. Fraser served as Vice President, Privacy Certified for the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), a self-regulatory program developed by the video game industry, for ten years. In this role, Ms. Fraser was responsible for providing hands-on assistance to participating companies on development of data collection and privacy practices to meet ESRB standards. She also crafted privacy best practices in several areas including mobile apps, downloadable games, short-form privacy policies, behavioral advertising and social networking. Prior to ESRB, Ms. Fraser served as a Director of Business and Legal Affairs for music labels at BMG/Sony Music in New York.