AWE USA 2024

Reut Lazo
Women and AI

Reut Lazo is a seasoned Lead Product Manager with a passion for emerging technologies and a steadfast commitment to prioritizing user experience. She specializes in driving product innovation through data-driven approaches, ensuring that user needs remain at the forefront of every technological advancement.

As the Founder of Women and AI, Reut is dedicated to advancing the field of artificial intelligence by empowering and amplifying the voices of women in technology. Through this initiative, she champions diversity and inclusion, striving to create a more equitable and representative landscape within the AI community.

In addition to her work with Women and AI, Reut is a Technical Entrepreneur at AI 2030 - Responsible AI, an initiative aimed at harnessing the transformative power of AI for the benefit of humanity. With a focus on ethical and responsible AI development, she leads efforts to minimize the potential negative impact of AI while maximizing its potential to drive positive change.

With her diverse background and unwavering dedication to leveraging technology for the greater good, Reut Lazo is a driving force in shaping the future of AI and technology.

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Promenade Room 104C
Executive Focus Program