AWE USA 2024

Jenny Kay Pollock
Women and AI

Jenny Kay Pollock, is a dynamic force in Silicon Valley. She has extensive expertise in achieving scalable growth and driving monetization for high-tech B2C software companies like IMVU, Meta (now Campfire), and Blippar.

Jenny’s unique superpower is driving monetization strategy for B2C software startups.

Beyond her remarkable contribution to the tech industry, Jenny is a passionate advocate for DEI&B. Jenny co-founded, Women And AI, podcast and community in 2023. The goal is to shine the light on women working with AI.

Jenny is a keynote speaker for the mobile growth industry. She’s facilitated DEI&B workshops for Mobile Apps Unlimited, Miss CEO and Anita

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Promenade Room 104C
Executive Focus Program